Monday, January 29, 2007

What Were We Thinking?

We recently went on vacation to a little town near the Smokey Mountains. Despite E and C's ear infections (diagnosed a the morning we left), my pink eye (that I woke up with on our first morning there), and no snow falling (except for the day after we left :) ), our five Snows had an absolute BALL being together. Lots of laughter and giggles stand out as I remember our little 5 day get away.
This is a pic of Matt and the kids as we went on a hike on one of the trails. We enjoyed a great picnic lunch out on the rocks in the creek, climbed up the sides of the mountain many times, jumped in the mud, land looked for bears. (none were found thank goodness!) I'm very thankful for my husband's strength b/c E spent most of the hike on his shoulders.
In case you were wondering if would be a good idea to take 3 children under the age of 4 on a 5 mile hike (notice the sign below), let us be the first to keep you from wondering. NO!!!!!NOT A GOOD PLAN!!!!COME UP WITH SOMETHING ELSE!!!!! Matt and I have spent many moments shaking our heads at one another with smiles on our faces. Thank goodness for God's provision, several snacks, the stroller, and a good sense of humor.
This is at the end of our hike. Notice Clark can't bring himself to be a part of our pic. Notice Foster has his shirt off. Lovely---we're official rednecks. We were coming down the mountain (actually he and I were skipping down the mountain while Elizabeth's head bobbed from side to side during her nap and Clark was asking for "batteries b/c his legs just wouldn't go anymore") when Foster asked to take his shirt off. I figured we had made quite a statement on the trail so far, so why not. He loved it!
I still laugh out loud when I look at the picture in front of the sign that CLEARLY says "moderately difficult" 3-4 hour hike. Other than making some great family( and quite comical memories) what were we thinking?



Blogger Jeremy said...

I think a sword and lightsaber should be required on all outings in nature. You never know when you are gonna run into a bear or a storm trooper.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Matt and Amy Snow said...

Always prepared, Jeremy. You just never know when you might need your "Jedi skills." Notice Elizabeth doesn't have any weapons although she reassured me she would "pwotect me from ALL da' beawrs. Don't worwy." "Maybe she'll just force push them away, " says Foster.

3:38 PM  
Blogger The Hiatt Family said...

You are a trooper! But, it doesn't surprise me one little bit! Any body who can lead a bunch of 17 year olds on prom committee is well equipped to march 4 miles in the woods with little ones! At least your three came prepared!

12:54 PM  

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