Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I recently took all three to the dentist. Quite an amazing trip, but they really did great! The boys were ol' pros, and were very helpful in showing baby sister how to do everything. :-) Anyway, he said there was a huge possibility that Elizabeth may not ever need orthodontic care (I just knew that picket fence grin was great for something besides melting my heart) IF we weaned off the passie fairly quickly. Well, with that kind of incentive, we started the next day only allowing the passie in the crib. E struggled off and on that morning, and I knew things were a little fishy when she got quiet. I called her name several times,then came into her room to find this "clue." I had to run out to stop laughing and to grab the camera, because as I snapped....

this is how she emerged. BUSTED!!!!!!! She immediately gave me her sheepish grin and reminded ME that the passie was only for the bed. Too cute! Fear not, I did use this opportunity to talk about being sneaky. :-) (and better hiding places)