Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Early Fruits

I was getting the boys dressed this morning when Foster looked over with the "I already know the answer/what are YOU going to say" grin and twinkle in his eyes. He said, "Mom, I was wondering. Will I ever be good enough to go to heaven.?"

Before I could answer, his twin brother Clark said, "Oh nooooo, Fosta. We'll never be GOOD enough. The only way to heaven (with one eye closed and the other like he was looking down a long road, head cocked to the side, his right hand flicking like he was directing traffic-----basically like an adult) is stwaight thwew the cwoss. I mean stwaight on thwew it. See, Jesus is the way, the truth and the 'stwength' (showing his muscles :-) ) Having Him in your hart (pointing to his heart) is the only way to heaven. Nobody is EVER good enough to get there. See, he forgives our sins and that lets us go to the Holy God."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened, and they do it again as I remember the story. My precious barely 4 year olds making the gospel so simple when we adults often make it so complicated. I feel so blessed to have heard this conversation and be reminded that the conversations/way we try to raise our kids is not in vain. Praise be to God for the wonderful people in their lives that continue to impress God's word on their heart.

And yes, we'll continue to work on the scripture. C got the "strength" part out of context, but not really. :)
