Clarks Cracks Me Up!
I love it when they say things and don't even realize how funny they are. Clark is sooooooooo animated with hands going everywhere, head bobbing, and NO respect for personal space, that he is constantly cracking me up in his discussions. I love the way his eyebrows raise (and lower and twist :-) ) when he speaks, how he gets in your face to tell you exciting things ("say it don't spray it is often overheard in our house), and how he is CONSTANTLY on the move. Truly, some part of him is always moving somewhere. His enthusiasm for life is inspiring. For example:
-Clark is constantly tying things up, building new things, and making something into a new weapon. We were getting ready to go to the grandparents house last weekend, and had the tripod in the living room to pack. I walked into the living room, and there sat Clark on his step stool, tripod totally set up, and he was moving it back and forth like a machine gun with sound effects and all. He saw the grin on my face and simply explained that he was "fighting the bad guys to protect our country". I guess it's never too early to start protecting our country!!???
-I told him yesterday to help us clean up the play food (you know the kind that seems to get scattered ALL OVER the room.) He informed me that he would be glad to help, but right now he was "concentrating and trying to get his light 'saver' hooked onto his belt." (Yes, saver not saber. A guy just isn't set with his Robin Hood hat, sword, and dagger----he NEEDS his light saver, too.)
-The boys and I went to get the tires rotated and all that jazz yesterday, and much to my disappointment, the nice mechanic let us know that there was hot chocolate in the waiting room.
Well of course the boys don't hear their name when you call them, but they'll hear the low voice saying "hot chocolate" even over the roar of all the other cars/horns/etc. Anyway, I was going to make one cup and split it into 2 cups when Clark suggested that I just split (arm moving in the air to divide :-)) the powder into 2 cups in two cups THEN pour the water in. I said, "great idea, Clark." He said, "Yep ! That's me! Always thinkin'. (pointing to his noggin') I'm smart!" Yes sweetheart, you are!
-Clark is constantly tying things up, building new things, and making something into a new weapon. We were getting ready to go to the grandparents house last weekend, and had the tripod in the living room to pack. I walked into the living room, and there sat Clark on his step stool, tripod totally set up, and he was moving it back and forth like a machine gun with sound effects and all. He saw the grin on my face and simply explained that he was "fighting the bad guys to protect our country". I guess it's never too early to start protecting our country!!???
-I told him yesterday to help us clean up the play food (you know the kind that seems to get scattered ALL OVER the room.) He informed me that he would be glad to help, but right now he was "concentrating and trying to get his light 'saver' hooked onto his belt." (Yes, saver not saber. A guy just isn't set with his Robin Hood hat, sword, and dagger----he NEEDS his light saver, too.)
-The boys and I went to get the tires rotated and all that jazz yesterday, and much to my disappointment, the nice mechanic let us know that there was hot chocolate in the waiting room.
Well of course the boys don't hear their name when you call them, but they'll hear the low voice saying "hot chocolate" even over the roar of all the other cars/horns/etc. Anyway, I was going to make one cup and split it into 2 cups when Clark suggested that I just split (arm moving in the air to divide :-)) the powder into 2 cups in two cups THEN pour the water in. I said, "great idea, Clark." He said, "Yep ! That's me! Always thinkin'. (pointing to his noggin') I'm smart!" Yes sweetheart, you are!