Thursday, January 31, 2008

I Spend Half of My Life...

I frequently think "I spend half of my life..."doing whatever the task is at the moment. While I know no more than 2 "halves" can REALLY make up my "whole" life, it seems appropriate to continue the drama that frequently appears in my home. Here are a few of my recent thoughts.

  • finding the treasures my children (and husband) have deemed necessary to accumulate ,but not empty, from their pants' pockets. Change, chapstick, kleenex, rocks, toys, etc.
  • looking for the OH SO IMPORTANT "Limbola" (E's lovey, the polar bear), C and F's light sabers (realize that there are probably 10 of them around here and the SPECIFIC ones they want change every night----yoda's, Luke's, Mace windu's, etc.) They "need" this every night before they go to bed.
  • saying that if this stuff was so important ,you need to be keeping up with it/you need to get this before you get in the bed/keep it ONLY in your bed if it is so necessary (All the while still looking for them 4-5 nights per week)
  • spraying SHOUT on stains (no wonder Clark is thin---does ANYTHING really get in his mouth?)
  • in a bathroom (wiping, snapping britches, brushing teeth, wiping, wiping, wiping, wiping, wiping, washing hands, reminding not to turn the water on full force, saying "did you flush")
  • biting my tongue so I don't bust out laughing at many a funny question/dance movement/statement/wardrobe choice/fall/expression
  • wondering how I explain some really good questions like--c-Mom, will God ever ask Dad to sac-wi-fice me like Abwaham and Isaac?, e--when Jesus was a baby, his name was Jesus but as He gwew up, his name was God da' Father, wight Mom? Jesus is really God's son but He's God, too----wight? f--Are we flying over Iowa right now Mom? (He asked this as we were flying to Minnesota b/c they had just been talking about missionaries in Iowa.)

While I AM laughing at my simple, yet quite busy life, I wouldn't trade places with anyone else on the planet (well, at least not for more than a few hours :) )


Friday, January 25, 2008

Snow vs SNOW

We were supposed to leave B'ham at 6 am to go to Atlanta on Saturday. From Atlanta, we were to catch a direct flight to Minneapolis. Quite ironic that Delta cancelled everything due to SNOW in Atlanta. Oh well. We made the most of it and trust the Lord in his provision. Although it looks like there is heavy snow, Matt is behind them shaking the tree :)
GET MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm under attack :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Foster sleds with Sarah down the HUGE hill! He was quite a brave champion!

MINNESOTA fun with REAL SNOW!!!!!! Temps ranged from -10'F to 7'F during our 5 days there. Although our original flight out was cancelled due to "snow", we still made it to Minneapolis a day late but with high spirits. We had a BLAST playing with all of our family---you betcha'! Skunky Clark decides to help shovel some of the snow----what is it with kids and digging?

Big kid "aka Daddy" rolls around in it, too. He and Uncle Danny have a great light saber battle in the snow, but there were too many flakes on my lense to really capture it.


Tales From the Table

There's been a lot of talk around here lately about GAS. If any of you know my husband, there's ALWAYS talk/laughter about the subject, but the conversations about it have increased drastically, PEAKING tonight at the table. The disappointing thing is that the boys initiated it on their own without Matt's assistance.

They were talking about a little boy in their class that uses "potty words", but "we're not allowed to say potty words, right Mama?" "Right Foster." F-"but Mom, I like using the 'b word' and the 'f word' in my head, but I don't say it out loud."
C chimes in---"Yeah, the 'f word' isn't appwopwiate, right Mom. We can't say that. Other people say the f word, but we can't. I think the 'f word' is funny, but I don't really say it."
F-"Me, too. What does the f word really spell Mom?"

I know what 'f word' they're talking about, but how can I answer his question (AND put an end to all of this) while not dying laughing? I can't even look at Matt b/c I know he's about to loose it (literally---we're in the middle of eating dinner!!!!!!!) I explain that they are talking about the word "fart", and while it IS silly, it is still not okay to talk about at the table.

As Matt adds to my very self controlled parental statement that this talk is not okay outside of our immediate family, Foster leans over to one side (one cheek that is :) ) and lets the toots RAPID fire. Like on command over and over again!!!!!!! (and just so you know, deep down I know Matt is EXTREMELY proud)

Matt tries to correct him but is quickly belly laughing when Clark says, "Hey bro! Did you just bust a grumpy????" Sheer, total,uncontrolable laughter erupts at the table. My bbq sandwich "escapes" my mouth, Matt has to push back from the table to bend over laughing, and of course BOTH F and C have to repeat their funnies. It was hilarious!!!!! "Busting a grumpy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Where in the world did that come from?

I'm sure I should be bigger/more mature than giggling like a 4 year old about the 'f word'/toots/rapid fire/busting a grumpy/breaking wind/etc, but it still makes me laugh!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Funny Phrases!

This will not be anything deep, moving, or even funny to some. However, they are some phrases I've heard around here that crack me up and I don't want to forget.

F-"Please stop that, E. You're getting IN my nerves."

C-"Mom, I'm weally, WEALLY hungry. I can't wait for suppa. I think I need an appetiza."

E-"F, do you like my BEAUTIFUL finger nails? (after we just painted them pink :) ) They're lovely aren't they? My husband will like them someday (very matter factly)." Thank goodness the boys both complimented her---just makes life easier. :)

E- I said no more candy. "OK Mom. (very emphatically) I've got a GWEAT idea! (pointer finger up in the air) We can just eat tons of junk tomorrow instead. That way our teef won't wot out tonight!)

F- "Mom, are we going to have 'bracelets' like Emily and Amy Thorington one day?" The actual word is BRACES!

E-"Heaven will be such a wonderful place! We'll see Jesus, sing songs, and maybe even snuggle up to God. Maybe Timmy would like to snuggle with God, too. He's in heaven you know----he's up there not being sick anymore."

C-"Hold on mom. I forgot to swirggle. I just love swirggling, mom. It makes your mouth taste so fwesh." translate---gargle

E-"I think I'll just save the bike Santa gave me until I get a little older. That way I'll be safe!"

F-"Hold on a second, Mom. I've gotta 'chap' my lips." Santa brought him a tube of chapstick and he frequently slowed down the moving along process to "chap" his lips. (translate "lips" to whole lower face)

NOT so funny----Clark came to me yesterday afternoon and TOTALLY out of the blue(like we hadn't talked about him all day) said--"Mom, I have to tell you something. I think I'm wesponsible for Timmy being dead. I dwopped him, dwopped him on the floor---on accident---when he was only three days old. I made him die, Mom. I just know it." For anyone that knows Clark, you know his hands were waving the whole time he was talking. Pensive. Pitiful. I quickly reassured him that turtles fall off of things all the time and that I was sure that wasn't it. It was more likely that he had a virus before he got here that he brought from California----I mean the North Pole. :)
I am purposing to be more aware of the wheels that are turning/processing when I don't even realize.

By the way, spell check loved this. :)

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Tale of Timmy

Me----C, what 3 things do you want for Christmas?
Clark---a cat, a bike, and a jedi costume
Me--Clark, you're allergic to cats. You can't have something that's not healthy for you.
C---Mom, I'm not asking you, I'm asking Santa.
Me--I know honey, but Santa has to get permission for pets. He wants you to be healthy, too.
C---OKAY, Mom (drawn out like I'm sure I never did). I'll just get a tortoise instead.

That's how it all started. Matt and I thought "no biggie." Great first pet, CHEAP, easy to handle, great for responsibility. Boy we were wrong on SO many levels (except great for responsibility.)

Unfortunately we waited until mid Dec to begin researching this thing. Really we thought--go to local pet store, buy a turtle (excuse me---C kept correcting me that he wanted a tortoise.) Well you CAN do that, but it would be $100+ bucks and be a Russian something or other tortoise. Anyway, LONG STORY SHORT, we spent many hours of research/conversations and purchased a tortoise over the internet for only $40. (GREAT price, but the shipping from CALIFORNIA was $50. UGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm turning red with embarassment as I type this, but it was getting down to the wire to get this for C and it was ALL he was talking about.)Blah, blah, blah....get the tortoise, terrarium, special lights, food, etc---lots of time/effort/money and Matt and I fell in love with the little guy several days before Christmas. In fact, I kept wondering where Matt was and he kept sneaking down to the office to "check on" (translate talk to) Timmy. He kinda stole my heart, too b/c when I'd talk to him, he'd crawl towards my voice. (I should be embarrassed about typing THAT.)

Christmas morning---Clark had a FIT over Timmy! This is the best present ever, he's just what I wanted, thank you Santa, I bet you were cold in the north pole, oh you're so cute, etc., etc.,etc. He couldn't wait to tell everyone about his new best buddy. Overjoyed! In fact, when we told the kids that we'd have a foster child coming the next day, C said, "Oh, mom. If I can take care of a turtle, I can surely take care of a foster child." (like duh, I can handle this.)

Things are seemingly going well. No real issues. Until Tues Jan 1st. Timmy doesn't want to eat much. We figure, hibernating?/yuckky food?/who knows with turtles.

I get a message from Matt Friday while I'm in Baltimore. "Gaga's in the hospital, etc, etc, etc. and oh, by the way...I think Timmy is dead."
"WHAT??????????? Why would you think that? " I say when I get to talk to him later.
Matt--he didn't move when I fed him this morning or returned him to his cage.
Me--sounds like he's dead. What did you tell Clark?
Matt--nothing yet. Let's see if we can "hibernate" him and just move him around the tank until the reptile show this month. Hopefully it's next weekend.
Me--might work. Let's try it.

Well, I get home Sunday and we check out the reptile show. None until Jan 19th. Holy Cow! I can't lie/trick that long AND Timmy will SMELL soon!
Sure enough--I got a whiff of a stinch as I walked by his "home" Monday and thought quite certain I had to tell Clark. Poor C had a fever of 103 and I couldn't stand to break his heart while he was coughing his lungs out. Tomorrow. We just "distracted" him (translate "lied") when he'd ask/look at Timmy.

Tuesday came---E has pneumonia, C still has a fever, but the tortoise is stinking. The truth must be told. I honestly couldn't lie to him anymore either. I told him the truth, he cried/coughed his heart out, and talked about missing him all day.

I'll finish the rest of the story---which is precious, tomorrow. Life lessons at such a young age.


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The plague continues....

A little update----
Clark has been up, yes---AWAKE----since 2:30 this morning with continuous coughing. Everytime he moves around (which is CONSTANTLY) he coughs. The albuterol inhaler ("my wes-cue") doesn't seem to help at all so off to the doctor we went again. (Our sweet pediatrician takes Wednesdays off but called to check on us this morning. I wish I had just let him call in the steroids like he offered, but I was afraid C's cough was worsening to pneumonia level. There aren't many times that I love being wrong, but this is one of them :)) As if he weren't wired for sound enough, now we are on steroids for 5 days. Joy. I wish that was as contagious as the plague :). As I said before, IT COULD BE A MILLION TIMES WORSE.

Foster---no fever or other symptoms, just coughing lots. "Could be going down the croup path, we'll just have to watch," says the doc. Joy. "Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." James 1:2

And persevere we will as we cough our way into 2008. I look forward to this past week being but a blur in the memories of the month :)as I know He has some wonderful plans for our family this year.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Plague?!!!!!!

Two Saturdays ago, Elizabeth woke up not really seeming like herself. As the morning progressed, her temp went up to 104' as she layed cheerfully on the couch. The true clue that she felt yucky was that she had no desire to read, paint, play playdough, or "pwincess-es." Her cough progressed and we went to the doc Sunday. ?Croup/antibiotics to prevent any serious lung infection/cough medicine. My plans were cancelled Sat-Tues as her fever continued, then finally subsided. We had lots of "girl-time" :).
I left Thursday for Baltimore for a "cousins" trip with my brother and cousins-----what a fabulous time of laughter, sightseeing, catching up, and rejuvenation. I didn't realize how much of a blessing the time away was until I've come home to face the "plague" AGAIN.
Clark (who seemed fine most of the weekend) had a 103.8' fever Sunday evening with AWFUL coughs throughout the night. I was scheduled to be at work on Monday, but truly couldn't leave my little man feeling like that. I took him to the doctor, upped his asthma meds and are trying our hardest to keep him off of steroids. We'll see. His fever (and frequent asthma attacks )continue.
Elizabeth didn't quite seem herself, but no fever/complaints, Monday night. With credit to the Holy Spirit, I checked on her about an hour after she went to sleep and found my precious angel BURNING with fever. Yep--103.8 with a classic fifth disease rash beaming on her face/arms/trunk. Coughs continue. I returned to the doctor this morning with E (and frequently got the "weren't you just here yesterday?" from the staff :)). Yep---fifth disease and PNEUMONIA!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it!! Pneumonia! Anyway, 1 shot and LOTS of tears later, we returned home to heal up.
And side note, while I was in Baltimore, Gaga (Matt's mom) was admitted to the hospital x 3 days for an awful allergic reaction to antibiotics. Her lungs/skin is fried and she is supposed to be on total bed/voice rest. For anyone that remotely knows Gaga, you know that pigs will fly before that ever totally happens. My 3 and 4 year olds are being more compliant :). Please pray for her as she tries to obey doctor's orders and recovers.
Oh---Clark's turtle Timmy died (once again while I was out of town :) )and I'll have to blog about that later. 1st pet, brought by Santa from the North Pole (favorite gift), totally adored, and alive here less than 2 weeks. I couldn't lie to him anymore (we'd been moving him around the terarium and reporting him to be hibernating while we worked on a replacement), so I had to tell him. Tough news for a sick 4 year old "dad" to swallow. Much more to come on this.
Anyway, I'm reminded that while the past week or so has not been the easiest ever, there are SO many parents who would love to trade places with me. So many parents that have to watch helplessly as their children hurt or face life threatening/taking diseases. This realization encourages me to be more grateful for what is and stop whining for what isn't.
*****I'm sure I could use this realization in other areas of my life, too :). It's a work in progress!
