Sunday, April 06, 2008

Dad's Point of View

I have been silent in this forum since the initial posting, but it seemed like the time was right to aid in the effort to keep this site up to date. I will endeavor not to be profound, but just cover the basics.

As I am writing this Amy is in a ministry team meeting at church. The kids are playing with a friend from church and we are all headed that way for evening programs/services shortly. How blessed we are to live so close!

Last Sunday Clark prayed (on his own) to recieve Christ. I was thankfully in earshot and it was a beautiful and simple prayer. My first reaction was to discount the event since he is only five. However, after listening to some of the wise counsel we are surrounded with, I have come to believe that his desire was sincere. Praise the Lord!!!!!

This past week was an object lesson about how Christians are only forgiven, but not free of sin. To understate it completely, the same child who amazed me with his prayer has struggled several times with explosive anger. It was a reminder that all who call upon the name of Christ will come under attack. Yet we will perservere.

It was all brought home for me as I prepared a Sunday School lesson around Genesis 22:1-19. Though I have read those verses many times in my life, it has not been since becomming a father. The picture in my mind of Issac in tears as his father binds him to the alter. How thankful I am for the sacrifice our Heavenly Father made with His Son on a cross. Lord prepare my family for the sacrifices we will be called to make...